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ルーカス・ペレズ 掛軸展 「Hito Bito 人々」 – 数寄和

ルーカス・ペレズ 掛軸展 「Hito Bito 人々」




This collection is an exploration of different archetypes that can be found throughout the story telling traditions of the world.The six silk scrolls were all made with Nihonga techniques and styles.The entire collection took a total of 9 months to paint and be made into scrolls at Sukiwa Gallery.
The main thesis of the collection was to look at 6 of the most basic types of characters in story from around the world.The 6 main characters chosen were the Soldier, the Teacher, the Salary Man, the Temptress, the Heroes, and the Holy Woman.Each piece contains international popular culture symbols which relate to each character.Furthermore each scroll has a unique set of stamps (落款)which are only used once!
I would like my audience to try to identify with one of the characters and the archetypes which they present to the world.




サラリーマン 傾城
サラリーマン、The Salary Man
傾城、The Temptress


サラリーマン、The Salary Man


傾城、The Temptress


About Lucas Perez

Lucas Perez is an internationally trained artist and calligrapher living in Tokyo, Japan.
His work is a careful arrangement of East Asian traditional techniques and Western pop-art themes. The work can be seen in exhibitions throughout Japan and in New York. “Silk People, an exercise with silk” is his upcoming show at Sukiwa Gallery in Nishiogikubo this coming December. The series of 6 silk scrolls are painted with Japanese mineral pigments on silk. The show explores the contrasts of archetypal characters between the East Asian and Western story telling traditions.
Lucas Perez arrived at this series after a long period of intense studying. After graduating Pratt Institute of Fine Arts in New York (B.F.A. 2004) he delved into the art of the living and dead “Cultura Maya” which permeates the Lancadon rain forests of Chiapas Mexico. Upon visiting the incredible “Bonampak” murals his interests turned towards traditional mineral pigments and their applications.
Tokyo Japan held the keys to Lucas’ next progression as a painter, as there was a thriving “Nihonga” painting community who use nearly the identical minerals as the Mayan painters 1,500 years ago. Once he became proficient with the Japanese language, he apprenticed under Dr. Mari Sato (Tokyo University of Fine Arts). He labored for 5 years to become proficient with the vast number of pigments, tools and materials that are encompassed within “Nihonga.”
This latest collection is the culmination of these 5 years of intense study of Japanese painting.
In tandem with his Nihonga training, he also took up studying traditional Japanese calligraphy. With 5 years of hard practice he achieved the ranking called “Yon-Dan” or Pre-master 4th grade, with a remaining 4 levels to complete to become a Master. Within his calligraphy group he is the only foreigner to have achieved this ranking.This past month Lucas has been in Taipei, Taiwan studying Chinese style calligraphy as a comparative analysis of the two calligraphic traditions. Lucas studyied under Wen- Shun Lee, the official Calligrapher to Taiwanese President Ma Ying- Jeou.
From Taiwan Lucas is moving back to New York to explore how this western metropolis will inform his heavily Asiatic work in interesting new combinations.



 ルーカスはまた、日本画修行と並んで、日本の伝統的書道の探求にも手を染めてきました。5年間の厳しい修練の末、名人位から数えて4番目に当たる四段を得てあと四つの段位を得れば名人に辿りつく地位にありますが、画家の属する書道団体でこの地位に達した外国人はルーカスだけです。先月にはルーカスは台北を訪れていました。台湾では漢書道の伝統における二流派の比較のために中国書法の研究を行ってきました。ルーカスは台湾大統領馬英九の公式書家、Wen-Shun Lee のもとで研究を重ねたのです。